Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Sam's Shiny New Soulmate

And just when you didn't think Noise Pollution could get anymore pretentious we throw in a health dose of philosophy. What's next? A discussion of classical Greek architecture? Heaven forbid! Actually this comic was probably my favorite to write and draw out of all the strip I've done in the past month owing to the subject matter. For one, anybody who's studied Existentialism knows its next to impossible to find some one with an opinion similar to your own when it comes to either Nietzsche or Sartre; and secondly, its always been a fantasy of mine to be accosted by a beautiful indie girl, only to have her talk up some philosophy to me and then whisk me off my feet to a near by hotel room or rest stop bathroom (I'm not picky). Seeing as I'm over 6'5" and 240 pounds, I doubt there will ever be any whisking though. Also I live in Green Bay, WI; one of the great intellectual dead zones of the mid-west, so the likelihood of me having a stipulating conversation about philosophy here has about the same probability as getting struck by lighting on a sunny day. Needless to say, I wont be holding my breath.
Sorry the comic is so late btw, my computer and scanner were acting up. Otherwise I would have had them up on time.
Have a good weekend!
Monday, December 22, 2008
You Can Use A Rhyming Dictionary As Long As It Doesn't Sound Like You Are...

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Be sure to check back this Friday to catch a very special event in Sam's character development and the introduction of a totally new lead character to the Noise Pollution cast.
Happy Freakin' Holidays!
Friday, December 19, 2008
What Really Happened to The Buffalo

Have a good weekend!
ps Did you get a load of Guy's divorce settlement with Madonna? Last I heard it was up to $76 million. It's obscene!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Return of Paul The Poser

Also, FYI, The new Dillinger Four album is quit possibly every thing you could have asked of the band and more. It rocks! If you haven't heard it yet, your missing out. Make sure to ask Santa for a copy for Christmas or you'll be the nerd in the back of the lunchroom no one will sit with for the rest of your adult life. Don't do that to your self. Get yourself a copy.
Friday, December 12, 2008
The Good The Bad and The Queenie

I actually discovered The Good The Bad and The Queen via the Henry Rollins show on IFC laster spring. The video from the performance of their first single Herculean is still one of my favorite live sets Rollins has hosted on his show.
Check it out:
Have a good weekend!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Well This is Awkward

I realize this update is a whole date late, but after a 12 hour shift yesterday there was just no way in hell I was getting it up on time.
Anyway, How's everyone's weekends go? Speaking for myself, my liver is still in shock from the adventure I had Saturday night. I'm hoping most of your are in better shape then I am right now. Aug, my poor broken body. =P
Friday, December 5, 2008
Got Some Chubs For You

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The trailer that Sam is all excited over is this one:
Personally, I'm very pleased with the amount of screen time Rorschach has been getting in these previews. I always found him to be one of the more interesting characters in the book. I'd even go as far to say that he was one of my favorite characters to be portrayed in a DC comic book. Sorta like an extra crazy, low rent version of the Dark Knight or something like that. (I'm a big Batman fan btw)
Anyway, have a great weekend, and remember; to keep it in your pants. ;)
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
Reagan Sleepy

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Anyway, I'm really sorry about last week. I know I had said that I was going to do 3 updates and then wound up doing none at all and I feel awful about it. My scanner broke though so there wasn't much that could have been done about it until I got my hands on a new one. Speaking of which, I just hooked it up and scanned Mondays comic on it about 5 minutes ago. The new scanner works great and the resolution on it is awesome! Champaign all around!
...and yes I do plan on dropping a Weds addition of Noise Pollution this week so be sure to check back on the 3rd for more comic goodness.
Lastly, thanks for your patience and support. It means a lot. =D
Friday, November 21, 2008
Axel Douche

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Anyway, I'm planning to do a special Weds update next week. So keep any eye out for something extra coming your way from the good folks at Noise Pollution Inc this coming Wednesday. Woot!
Have a good weekend!
Monday, November 17, 2008
How To Screw Up Your Teenage Daughter 101
Wow, super late update guys. It was a long weekend I ended up sleeping in most of Sunday instead of getting this one inked in when I had the time. Sorry about that folks.
There is a guy named Lev who makes these strikingly minimalistic cartoons about his life and then posts them on youtube. They're really pretty good. Check 'um out when you have the time.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
Hey There Alchy Al!
In other news, I have two announcements to make:
1. I have already begun to put away any sentiments I might have had in regards to leaving the country after the election results were in. For once in my life time, I feel like I agree with and have a kinship with my country men. Last Tuesday was a mandate for change, and I was happy to have contributed to it.
2. I will only be updating Noise Pollution on Mondays and Fridays from now on. I think this should be a more manageable schedule for me to keep, as apposed to the three update a week program where I feel bad for missing Wednesday time and time again. Well no more!
Have a good weekend all!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
#36 How Big Are Your Bollocks

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Anyway, enough nerd rants, HAPPY HALLOWEEN ALL! Have a good weekend!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
#34 Sam and Glen Pay the Rent... Hollywood Style!
Yeah, I'm good at this. This whole updating on time thing, yeah I'm pretty much a pro. Not really. Sorry there was no comic last Friday. I should be on track all this week though, so hopefully I wont miss another update for a while. Hope you all enjoyed your weekends!
In other news, Zack and Miri Make a Porno looks absolutely terrible. That doesn't make it ok for me to seal jokes from their advertisements, but it does make me feel a little better about myself at the end of the day. I'm actually open to the possibility that the movie might be alright, and if I saw it I'm sure I'd get a chuckle or two out of it, but to be completely honest I've never seen anything with Seth Rogan in it that I could consider half way decent. Not a one.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
#33 Its A Real Shame

The Offspring used to be my favorite band back in middle school. Now they are just plain awful and it brake my heart to listen to them. I blame their MTV exposure in the late 90's for their current suck-a-tude.
I honestly didn't think I was going to get the chance to update today. Guess I was wrong, right? =D
Monday, October 20, 2008
#32 If His Teeth Look Like That, What's Going On With His Liver?

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Shane MacGowan is the lead singer of The Pogues by the way. Didn't know if you knew that or not, but I just thought I'd mention it. They're probably the one and only band that I will bestow the term Folk-Punk upon with out doing serious damage to my conscience.
Also as promised, here is your double shot of comicy goodness. Enjoy!

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Friday, October 17, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
#31 At Least It Has A Better Sountrack Then Juno, But That's Still Not Saying Much...

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I had a guest strip up last week on the stoner humor strip Thick Pie, where else but at I was laid up 4 days with a horrible sinus infection though so I never really got the chance to pimp it. Both me and the fellas over at Thick Pie were very pleased with how it tuned out. You can check out my guest strip by following the link provided here:
In other news, Riot Fest was amazing. I had so much fun I'm actually planning a short autobiographical series about the experience, but we'll see what I accomplish with the time the good lord provides (sarcasm, I'm actually agnostic) over the next couple weeks. I hope you were able to make it yourselves, but if not, never fear, there is always next year.
... Not to get anybody to excited, but there is a rumor floating around that Cock Sparer will be playing next years Riot Fest, so be sure to keep that in mind and grab tickets as soon as they go on sale for next years show. It's already looking like a blast! Take Care!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Friday, October 3, 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
#28 All I Want Is For Them To Play Daft Punk...
We have 4 College radio stations in my hometown that broadcast online. None of which actually play College Rock. It's really depressing.
Sample some real college rock why don't cha!
Sonic Youth:
The Pixies:
The Decemeberists:
Monday, September 29, 2008
#27 Glen's Very Own Clingon
Saturday, September 27, 2008
In the mean time, I bring you funny via the power of youtube. Please enjoy this video if you haven't already seen it (and even if you have...)
Have a good weekend!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
#26 Better Be Women...

Had to put in a 14 hour day at work today, thus the comic is a little late. Sorry about that. I was able to catch a good show after my shift was done though, so I'm fairly happy with the way my day turned out.
I wish more bars around here actually had NoMeansNo on they're jukeboxes... Scratch that, I wish ANY bars around here had NoMeansNo on they're jukeboxes.
I met a rapper on the myspace by the name of Black Lung who demanded (not requested mind you, demanded; dude don't take no prisoners) to be in the comic selling drugs in a Minor Threat T so I threw this together for him:

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I thought the concept was too damn funny to pass up; even if I had recycled a joke to make it happen. Black Lung is really a talented artist and I recommend you check out his material if you want to know what quality underground hip-hop should sound like.
Black Lung:
Monday, September 22, 2008
#25 Why Is It That The Worst Bands Always Get Back Together? Why Can't The Pixies Do Another Reunion Tour? That Would Rock!
I talk music with just about everyone I meet, but I've never met a soul who's told me that they like Yes. Folks confess they're love of horrible music to me all the time, but I've never heard a proclamation of affection for Yes in my entire life. I don't know who the audience is that this reunion is targeting, but I'm almost sure it's a figment of the band's imagination.
Friday, September 19, 2008
#24 March of Pigs
There was an actual contest, almost exactly like this, held in Wisconsin last year. I didn't like Sammy Hager much before I heard about the contest but now I despise him.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
#23 Sex y or Strange? ... Maybe both?
As offensive as they are, Dwarves album covers have this enduring quality to them. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I think it has to do with the their shamelessly explicit nature. I mean come one, who doesn't love exposed genitalia? I like to see a show of hands on that one.
Sorry about the super late post everybody, hope you don't mind. Between working two jobs and keeping abreast the host of other responsibility's in my life, I'm honestly surprised I've been able to update this thing as regularly as I have. Today I learned the value of working 3 months ahead of schedule. Staying ahead of the game has made this who project possible up to this point, no doubt about it. There will additionally be no album review this week. Double decker apologies all around. They're harder to do then the comics, and I just have not been writing them as frequently as I should.
Monday, September 15, 2008
#22 Poser Problems

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Friday, September 12, 2008
#21 Man, That Bowie Character Is Something Else Huh?

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If this did happen to me, I doubt I'd shower for a year just to see how long I could hang on to the after glow. Am I right?
Anyway, if you can get the reference in today's comic you defiantly deserve an award. I might even consider sending you something in the mail. Because if some one else gets it, I'll feel like less of an incredible nerd for having posted it.
David Bowie:
I'm almost sure half the stuff Bowie does only works becuase he's hansom and British. Who could hold that against him though?
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Review: Cougar Den (s/t)

Album: Cougar Den
Label: Self-Released
Most hardcore bands recon they can get by with pretending they’re a death metal outfit and leave the clichés of the genre do the rest. Melodic Hardcore group from
This break from the typical begins with the band’s nack for simply engrossing song compositions. Each song winds in and out of a confusing and brutal haze of noise, chucky guitar riffs, and pragmatic punchy base riffs, creating a great balance of sound that compliments vocalist Bobby Reitman’s wild, frustrated bark, as he belts out lyrics written by guitarist Justin Schmidt, with perfect angst ridden timing. Additionally, something you only wish were more common in the genre is accomplished here in that you can actually make out the words Reitman belts out as he rocks out behind the mic. Audible lyrics are a key component of Cougar Dens musical strategy and helps give the band a great deal more credibility.
The inspired song composition works wonderfully with Reitman’s vocals to give the album a brooding, angsty, forlorn feeling of absolute desperation and deprecation. This combined with meaningful song lyrics that inspire as much thought as awe, the album cements it’s self as a sure bet for all listeners, even those not normally keen to hardcore as a genre. Myself included.
Score: 6 out of 10Check 'um out at:
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
#20 Faux Folk

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Simon and Garfunkel:
And since the Simon and Garfunkel video is from a central park performance I thought I might add this video as well:
It's the best video I could find on youtube for NY Ranger by The Misfits, so enjoy.
Monday, September 8, 2008
#19 Listening To Polyphonic Spree makes you Less of a Man Evidently...
I heard you can contract the "gay" from listening to Polyphonic Spree. Can anyone verify this for me?
Friday, September 5, 2008
#18 The Future? Maybe of Suck...

Limp Bizkit: (Hate hate hate hate hate hate this cover! I posted it only to show you how much I disapprove of this band and how pissed I am over Fred Durst ruining one of my favorite Who songs. What the hell is the matter with that man, seriously. )
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Review: "Keep Their Day Jobs" by The Disabled

Title: Keep Their Day Jobs
Artist: The Disabled
Genre: Pop Punk/ Punk Rock
Wisconsin’s favorite sons (and daughter) of classesless punk rock and roll have returned to the studio to record and present to the public their sophomore effort “Keep Their Day Jobs”. As the title implies, the band does not take it’s self seriously, reminding us that the best things in life are simple… and tone deaf. On this release the group sticks to it’s usually formula and style of brief, irritating, brutal, and highly distorted punk anthems that are sure to please the perverted 15 year old in all of us. From the wacky titled Paris Hilton v Bear, to the lude escapades described in Sunshine Happy Rainbows, the band successfully maintains it’s sense of humor while rocking out. The creative streak they exhibit on the album has a charming naivety to it, similar to that of the Promise Ring, early Weezer or select material by Screeching Weasels, ushering in a welcome change from the generally aggressive grind of today’s underground punk scene. Also included are some highly entertaining untitled bonus tracks, featuring an entirely amusing cover of The Misfits Astro Zombies and the very jah Dayo, some jam session outtakes, absurd conversations, and even a punk rock sing along session. All these elements combine to cementing this release as another irritating, quirky, mind-numbing, and truly enjoyable album from one of
Check 'um out at:
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
#17 Welcome To Wholly World II
Sorry about the late post guys, but its up and that's what counts. In addition, this comic concludes my first arch. Hurray for me!
We all have music collections, and therefore we all have guilty pleasures. One of mine is Billy Talent. Their self titled album is one of my favorite items to air out like so much dirty laundry to confuse people who think they have my music tastes pretty well pigeon holed and have written me off as belonging to any one category of scenester. Nah, I say to them! Billy Talent is the kind whinny, hipper aggressive, speed guitar, post-hardcore, mess that is easily mocked and lumped in with names like Thrice, Thursday, and Poison The Well, to define the limits to which the kids will go to disappoint their elders with their horrible tastes in music, and I love them for it! But that's becuase there's something very different about Billy on their self titled depute that separates them from the previously mentioned ranks of screamo purgatory. While relying heavily on call-response, sing-scream vocals, the contrivances generated by this singing strategy are counter balanced by guitar riffs which utilize a classic chord switch technique and beats that are as simple and straightforwardly aggressive as anything you'll find elsewhere. The lyrics in addition, are well crafted, passionate, and inwardly focused, but never to the point of interfering with the rock they accompany. In other wards, the group never chooses prose over power. What I like about Billy Talent on their debut album is that the band demonstrates themselves to be straight shooters in a world where the art of honest, passionate, punk'rock 'n roll is a rarity at best. While on the surface they may appear to be another band in a long line of tight pantsed wanna bes, bellow the tides of lopsided haircuts and vans, dwells the the hungry spirit of an angsty leviathan I could only wish more bands would learn to embrace as their own.
And thus ends an other chapter in what I'm listening to while I update my blog and decide to, unprovoked mind you, defend and recommend. Have a good one!
The Misfits, original 70's lineup with Danzig: (Live performance of 20 Eyes); (Live performance of Skulls)
The Misfits, '95 reunion with Michael Graves: (Live performance of American Psycho)
Monday, September 1, 2008
#16 Welcome To Wholly World

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The opinions and tastes people have about music , and things in general for that matter, I find really intriguing at times. It always strikes me as funny when some one says the love fruit but cant eat cantaloupe, hate country music but love Kenny Chesney, hate dark or depressing films but are always the first one at the video store to rent a copy of the newest vampire movie as soon as its hits the shelf (my mother), or who love The Circle Jerks but feels sorta neutral about Black Flag. That last one is me. I'm not afraid to recognize the contradictions in my own musical tastes. Believe me there are plenty. I'm not a metal fan by any stretch of the imagination and have to leave room when someone throws Van Hallen on to avoid violently vomiting the contents of my stomach all over their Cd player/ computer. Yet I'm a die hard System of a Down fan and can't help doing a little head bobbing every time Rage is played on the radio. But thats pretty much what I'm talking about, we're all so inconsistent, and similar examples, as those previously mentioned, can be found in all of our lives. The inconstancies in our opinions and tastes seem so natural sometimes its hard to notice them unless they're specifically pointed out to you. I don't think that dilutes anyones conviction in the things that they enjoy, the things people like still matter to them even if they don't make sense to other people. What is really poignant about these contradictions in my opinion is: A. it shows the variability in our experiences, and how the things we encounter in our lives effect everyone differently and therefore produce varied habitual reactions that are specific to that individual and B. that we should be charitable to others when they express they're opinions becuase they're experiences differ from our own and our own experiences often do not lend themselves to an absolute continuity of tastes and opinions, any more then theirs do. As much as we would like to believe otherwise, those that criticize are often as flawed (or more so) then those who they are critiquing. I try to keep this in mind when I write my album reviews to varying degrees of success.
Other times, there are situations were someone is just flat our wrong... like Wholly in todays comic... that kid just doesn't have a clue does he? My heart goes out to Glen, it really does.
Friday, August 29, 2008
#15 Who's Better, Green Day or Green Day?

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I have very broad tastes in music, and as a result, I have a lot of friends who have to bare with me as I drown on about bands they neither understand or could care less about. The above comic is what I'd like to think would happen if I really pressed it, and tried to draw a friend into a conversation about a band they really hate. I love Green Day, but I've met very few people who feel the same as I do.
Green Day has gone through a lot of changes in their career but have been able to maintain a consistent following despite their multiple metamorphosises. I think this speaks ultimately to their credibility as artists. From simple beginning, as one of hundreds of faceless cali-pop punk bands to Alt-Rock behemoth, they’ve shown themselves time and time again to be a talented and innovative group that will continue to shift their artistic focus to reach new heights and smash expectations… All praise aside though, I was little disappointed with American Idiot. I don't know if I'd enjoy another Rock Opera by them, and I'm not sure that medium exactly fits they're particular style. I wish they would have continued the Alt. Folk rock thing they had going on Warning, but alas, they had other callings. *le Sigh* One can always dream for a Warning II.
No review this week, but I’ll be sure to have one up next Thursday. Have a good weekend!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
#14 Pick Your Poison

Monday, August 25, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
#12 All Lost In the Super Market

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Also, if you hadn't noticed, while the comic celebrates the awesomeness of England's favorite sons of catchy pop tunes, The Jam, the title of the strip is a Clash reference (England's other favorite sons, of a less specifically pop nature). Caught that already? Didn't need my help? Good for you! Here's a cookie. That's right, here at Noise Pollution we bring you it all, The Jam, The Clash... cookies! We're pretty much all that and a bag of Chips-ahoy.
If you are unfamiliar with The Jam here's what you've been missing:
If you are unfamiliar with The Clash I have nothing more to say to you.
Have a good Weekend!