Today's comic is an angry look at the very rehashed sound so much modern musicians seems to call their own. Now don't get me wrong, I love groups like The Klaxons and The Hold Steady, but so much of what they do sounds played out. Like its all been done before as the old Barenaked Ladies song said. A lot of today's musicians have a pretty good idea of the sound they want to convey and have a good understanding of what the sounds and music they enjoy consist of, but for all their talent and knowhow they don't allow themselves to be inspired by others work, but rather allow others work to sort of be their own. The Hold Steady in particular sounds like some one put all the better elements of 80's rock and synth, put them in a blender, blended them, drank the results, and then threw up. Like most good parties, you know its really on when somebody tosses their cookies, but at the same time you realize that if things don't start winding down somebodies going to get hurt. The Hold Steady, and bands like them, are the regurgitated sign of triumph to the Indie rock scene that its finally hit its stride, but more importantly, that the parties just about over and things are going to start getting ugly quick. It will be a dark day indeed when Indie rock becomes as played out and sterilized as Emo or Punk have become. As sad as it is though, that day doesn't seem far off. I'd start packing your flashlights now... maybe bring some glowsticks along too... I hear House is back. (The music not the show. Although I'm sure there'll be a new season of that too.)
1 comment:
I agree. Somebody has to do something new, but I sometimes doubt they will.
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