Friday, November 21, 2008

Axel Douche

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I've listened to the new G'nR album already. It really does give new license to hate Axel. I swear his life goal is to get lynched by a mob of outraged former fans.

Anyway, I'm planning to do a special Weds update next week. So keep any eye out for something extra coming your way from the good folks at Noise Pollution Inc this coming Wednesday. Woot!

Have a good weekend!

Monday, November 17, 2008

How To Screw Up Your Teenage Daughter 101

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Wow, super late update guys. It was a long weekend I ended up sleeping in most of Sunday instead of getting this one inked in when I had the time. Sorry about that folks.

There is a guy named Lev who makes these strikingly minimalistic cartoons about his life and then posts them on youtube. They're really pretty good. Check 'um out when you have the time.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Pop Junk

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Updating a little later then I would have liked, but then again I got up at 2:20 pm, so what do you expect?

Have a good weekend all!

Monday, November 10, 2008

MCS Is for Cutters

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Friday, November 7, 2008

Hey There Alchy Al!

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I've noticed that old drunks tend to vote conservatively and view themselves as profound for doing so. They’re weird.

In other news, I have two announcements to make:

1. I have already begun to put away any sentiments I might have had in regards to leaving the country after the election results were in. For once in my life time, I feel like I agree with and have a kinship with my country men. Last Tuesday was a mandate for change, and I was happy to have contributed to it.

2. I will only be updating Noise Pollution on Mondays and Fridays from now on. I think this should be a more manageable schedule for me to keep, as apposed to the three update a week program where I feel bad for missing Wednesday time and time again. Well no more!

Have a good weekend all!

Monday, November 3, 2008


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Seriously,you live in a democracy. Act like it. Go vote!